ESRI Licenses

The UW-Madison participates in the UW-System site license for almost all ESRI software. Our site license allows the installation of esri software on any University-owned computer. This includes machines in faculty, staff, and graduate student offices. ESRI software may be used for teaching, research, or administration, but not for consulting or other for-profit work.

The Site License contract (somewhat out of date) can be viewed Here.  An overview of the latest Institutional Agreement is Here.

Departments wishing to install the software on UW-Owned machines must participate in the annual maintenance.  Fees and an order form Here.

In addition, our contract allows installation on Faculty or Staff personal Computers, as well as Student PCs, for non-commercial use.  All licenses are for a one year period, from August 1 to July 31 of each year.  Faculty and Staff installations should be only for those affiliated with Departments participating in our Annual maintenance (partial list below).

Installation Media and License Request

Form to request box link to installation media and copy of license file

Select the software you want to download
License type
Select which ESRI License you need
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Departmental Licenses

These Departments/Units were participating at the Departmental Unlimited level as of the last edit.

Ag & Applied Economics
Agricultural Research Stations
Agronomy, Dept. of
Biological Systems Engineering BSE
CAE — Computer Aided Engineering
CES Community and Environmental Sociology
Computer Sciences
DoIT InfoLabs
DoIT Network Services
Facilities Planning & Management, Computer Support
Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Geography/State Cartographer’s Office
iBio, Limnology/LTER
Journalism & Mass Communication
Medicine / Genetics
Planning and Landscape Architecture
Political Science
Population Health Sciences
SAGE Center for Sustainability & the Global Environment
Sea Grant Institute
Social Science Computing Cooperative, SSCC
Soil Science
Surgery, Neurological
UW Police & Security