We have instituted Enterprise logins (SSO) for our AGOL Organization, meaning anyone with a UW NetID can create an account with a quota of credits, and licensing for ArcGIS Pro.
Go to https://uw-mad.maps.arcgis.com
Click the “Sign In” button.
Select UW NETID LOGIN and you will be taken to a DoIT login page for the UW, where you will use your regular NetID and Password to get in.
Your login will create a publisher-level membership, and access to https://www.esri.com/training online classes.
Once you have created the login, you can use it to access AGOL at https://uw-mad.maps.arcgis.com, as well as:
Story Maps: https://storymaps.arcgis.com
You just need to log in using the URL uw-mad and your netid and password.
Just sign in using the ArcGIS Organization URL: “uw-mad” and when offered the choice, select UW NetID Login