How can maps, GIS and other geospatial approaches help students explore issues of social justice?
The event starts with a series of short lightning talks from individuals and organizations working to create map-based content around issues of social justice. The lightning talks will be followed by breakout spaces to encourage conversation and connecting. Our goal is to build collaborations, learn about resources and strengthen pedagogical approaches in the hopes of stimulating conversation, resources and action.
This workshop is geared toward those who work with K-12 teachers and students. We welcome participants from higher ed and informal learning as well.
Virtual Event: Feb. 9, 11 am – 2 p.m. EST
For registration and more information, Click Here
Organized by:
Annie Evans, New American History
Michelle LeBlanc, Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library
Shana Crosson, U-Spatial at the University of Minnesota