Planning for the 2023 International Cartographic Conference (ICC) is now underway!
There are a number of things to note:
- The deadline for papers and abstracts is fast approaching (Dec. 5 and Dec. 12, respectively)!
- Dec. 12 is also the deadline to apply for travel funding through the USNC.
- The International Cartographic Exhibition (ICE) will primarily display entries online, with the exception of entries in the categories for atlases, educational products, and other cartographic products.
- There is also a limit to the number of ICE entries from a single country (18 online items and 3 physical items), so the selection of U.S. entries for this ICC will be competitive.
- The format of the National Report has been simplified to a standardized form provided by the ICA, so there is no longer a need to compile a more comprehensive document, as in the past.
- Since the 19th ICA General Assembly will be held in conjunction with the ICC, there are a number of opportunities for contributions from the U.S., including the following (please send these to the USNC Chair at
- Proposals for new or continuing ICA Commissions and Working Groups
- Nominations for ICA awards
- Memoria for notable scholars and scientists in the U.S. cartographic and GIS community whom we have lost since 2019 (the date of the last ICC)